As promised here are some more shots of the interior: the bedrooms ...
Our bedroom with the 'Tree Tops' wallpaper which has come up better than I expected.
Spare bedroom detail (the bed's not up yet as special screw thingys needed to lock the slats in place are missing - hopefully in a box yet to be unpacked in the garage. But, don't worry, English visitors - it will be up in time for your visit at Christmas!).
Daughter #1's purple bedroom
Detail in daughter #1's bedroom. The curtains have small silver sequins in the flower pattern which look gorgeous at night.
Daughter #2's desk detail with its pale aqua colour scheme.
I have to say the girls have been fantastic at packing and unpacking their rooms. I've not done a thing! Well, the deal was if it doesn't get packed or unpacked then it's gone - in the rubbish or given away. Seemed to work!
Pale blue metallic tiles in the girls' shower (wish I'd put them around the bath now they look so pretty!)
I have more so will put them in the next post!
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