Thursday, January 16, 2014

Blogger App

Blogger App - Hello ... welcome to our blog Home Design And Decor what you're looking for information about Blogger App yes if we have it available to you, we have also provided a lot of information about the design of the house which is very intersting to in view, ok please continue reading:

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Blogger App

Yes, there is an App for Blogger and here I am trying it out.  In the past I've wanted to compose posts on my I Pad when I was travelling and couldn't.  Last week I saw an ad and decided to give it a try.  This is an in process review.

So far so good. The interface is simple , but so are the text options. 

 Can't do much that is fancy with just Bold and Italics and underline.  Also clumsy when you have to select and apply these options.  Not to mention how I hate one finger pecking to compose!

Let's try adding a photo from my camera roll.  You  have some options for photos with screen shots, actual photos taken with I Pad or downloaded  from camera.

When you read the reviews they are less than stellar with a long list of complaints.  My take: Can't include video or links, can't add photo captions or photo properties.  Nowhere to add label tags. So much for basic SEO.  

So..... Good for a short, simple post with photos while you are on the fly.  I am wondering if I can go back in on my computer and add captions, tags etc. after the fact.  Now to post this....   The only thing I see is Done.  Here goes.  New comment....  You can add labels and go back to the text. Let's try again.

Published easily and you can go back and edit online after the fact to change things a bit e.g. Size of photo, add captions and properties. 

so information about Blogger App can we present to you, please reply pleased to share the link make it more useful for other people, you can also read other pages on this blog to increase knowledge about the design of the house is interesting, thank you

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