Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday Tip # 11 - Art and space

Thursday Tip # 11 - Art and space - Hello ... welcome to our blog Home Design And Decor what you're looking for information about Thursday Tip # 11 - Art and space yes if we have it available to you, we have also provided a lot of information about the design of the house which is very intersting to in view, ok please continue reading:

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Thursday Tip # 11 - Art and space

After a long hiatus I am back to Thursday Tips at the request of a reader who liked these short and to the point tips for "small improvements that have big impact".  For this week my favourite topic - art.

The biggest mistake made when hanging art is not matching the size/shape of the art work to the space you are hanging it.   Work should look "comfortable" in its space not cramped or looking like it is awash in a sea of wall.

art vertical space
Layout follows vertical space

 hanging art console
Long console needs substantial work to fill space

hanging art stairwell
Perfect  size and composition for top of stairs

hanging art bedroom
Size and shape  works with width of headboard

hanging art sofa
Art shape and size  follows wall shape

And there you have it.  Large works for large spaces or smaller works massed together for impact.  No little pieces lonely on a big wall.  No large pieces squat into a small space.  Oh, did I mention I have a lot of opinions on gallery walls?  I'll save that for another tip.

so information about Thursday Tip # 11 - Art and space can we present to you, please reply pleased to share the link make it more useful for other people, you can also read other pages on this blog to increase knowledge about the design of the house is interesting, thank you

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